Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lands are made up of many different and distinct groups, each with their own culture, customs, language, and laws.
They are the world’s oldest surviving culture.
“Country” is the term often used by Aboriginal peoples to describe the lands, waterways, and seas to which they are connected.
The term includes many important ideas about rules, places, traditions, languages, beliefs, ways of living, getting food, family, and who you are.
You can find out more about where you are in Australia, and it will show you what land you’re on. https://aiatsis.gov.au/explore/map-indigenous-australia
Hard words:
Traditional: Something that has been done in the same way for a very long time.
Continent: A very large area of land that may have many countries on it.
Culture: The way people live, including their traditions, beliefs, and customs.
AIATIS: Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
Pic desc: A picture of the AIATIS Map Australia
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