Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Dec 13

Do you know the name of the traditional lands where you live?

🌺 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lands are made up of many different and distinct groups, each with their own culture, customs, language, and laws.

🕰️ They are the world’s oldest surviving culture.

🌳 “Country” is the term often used by Aboriginal peoples to describe the lands, waterways, and seas to which they are connected.

🌀 The term includes many important ideas about rules, places, traditions, languages, beliefs, ways of living, getting food, family, and who you are.

💻 You can find out more about where you are in Australia, and it will show you what land you’re on.

Hard words:

Traditional: Something that has been done in the same way for a very long time.

Continent: A very large area of land that may have many countries on it.

Culture: The way people live, including their traditions, beliefs, and customs.

AIATIS: Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies

Pic desc: A picture of the AIATIS Map Australia

Copyright The Growing Space 2024

Pic desc: A picture of the AIATIS Map Australia
Dec 02

Calling LEGO lovers!

👨‍💻 There is an AWESOME site called Bricks for the Blind that helps people with vision impairment build LEGO sets. 

🦯 It was created by Matthew Shifrin, who is blind. (It used to be called LEGO For The Blind.) 

📝 Matthew writes detailed, step-by-step instructions for building LEGO sets. 

🖥️ These instructions can be read by screen readers. 

🚀 His website now features instructions for 215 LEGO sets, with more added all the time.  

🌐 Check it out here: 

🤝 When Matthew first launched his website, it received a lot of attention! 

🎉 He reached out to the LEGO Foundation for help, and now they support him. 

📚 They have created audio and braille instructions for 89 LEGO sets, and we think they will keep adding more! 

🎧 You can find these audio instructions at:

🎥 You can watch or listen to a video of Matthew talk about why building LEGO sets is important for children with vision impairment. 

🌍 He says it can help them understand the world.  

🏗️ They can build miniature versions of architecture, vehicles, and more that surround us. 

📹 Here is the video link: 

Pic desc: A photo of Christmas lego builds looking like Santa’s village. There is a post office with snow on top and a postal sorting area, Santa’s study with a log fire, a hot-air balloon, an ice-fishing scene, a Christmas tree, a mailbox, a sled, and Santa and some elves! 

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