Category Archives for "Centrelink and Other services"

Jan 20

How a Level 3 Support Coordinator Can Help Parents of Young Kids

Not many young children get funding for SSC, or even regular support coordination, but if your child does, and you are wondering how to make the most of their SC/SSC budget, this might help.

🌟 Here’s how a good one might help, as well as the standard work of finding you the best providers to choose from:

🛠 Help with Equipment and Reports: They can get the reports you need for reassessments and help you secure funding for any equipment your child might need.

📋 Care Plans & Flexible Spending: They’ll explain how you can use your NDIS funding in different ways (including self managing if you’re keen), help you plan for your child’s care and crises, and get you ready for any tough times ahead.

🌈 Inclusion & Disability Awareness: A good SSC will help you understand the value of inclusion and the social model of disability. They’ll also guide you as you make big decisions, like picking a school or choosing therapies.

🤝 Getting Everyone on the Same Page: They can organise meetings (case conferences) with your medical team, therapists and support team and family so everyone knows what’s going on and works together for your child.

🏛 Dealing with Systems: Your SSC can handle tricky talks with health and education systems to make sure your child gets the support they need.

📝 Support Worker Briefs: They’ll help you know what you want and write clear instructions for your support workers so you get the most out of the hours you’ve got funded.

👨‍👩‍👧 Support for Your Whole Family: They can help find parent or carer training for you and even support for siblings, so everyone in the family is included and supported.

💡 Government and Organisation Payments and Grants: A good SSC can connect you to other supports, like the Carer Adjustment Payment (for under-7s), Carer Allowance, and Carer Payment, utility rebates and priorities, or grants from places like Variety if you’re eligible.

💰 Using Your Funding Wisely: They’ll help you stick to your NDIS budget, make sure you don’t overspend or underuse your funding, and avoid spending on things that aren’t allowed.

👍 The key is to find an SSC with the skills, experience, personality and backup support who you click with, can trust, is reliable and really gets your family and can help make life smoother for you and your child. I know that’s not easy, so I wish you Good luck!

pic desc: A former (still loved) TGS Team Member who became an SSC with us, sitting on the ground outside with a young child working on creating a volcano science science experiment together. Support Coordination can look like many different things. In my time as an SC/SSC I’ve happily played with children on the floor, folded socks on a sofa while working with a family, dried a dish or two, or hung out washing together while building rapport, making it easier to talk about the hard stuff that families are often managing.

Apr 27

Information for Disability Support Pension and Carer Payment recipients in response to COVID-19

OK – so the key points from this document for people on a Disability Support Pension or Carer Payment who lose their job (ADE/supported or open employment) due to covid and have an employer who registers for JobKeeper are:

  1. You can get both DSP and JobKeeper, but if you earn too much with JobKeeper, your DSP will “Pause” during that time (until end of Sept 2020) BUT you get to keep you Health Care Card, cheaper prescriptions etc, and you’ll go back to your regular DSP amount after the JobKeeper payment ends – but you HAVE TO let Services Australia (used to be Centrelink) know. Job Keeper is taxable.
  2. If you are on Carer Payment, your Pensioner Concession Card/Health Care card will ONLY be valid during the 12 weeks of the JobKeeper Payment and you will need to reapply for Carer Payment as if you were starting again (although some of the same reports might be able to be used if they’re not too old). Job Keeper is taxable.

There is some other stuff in there about Commonwealth Rental Assistance and who gets the $750 and $550 payments as well, but above are the key points I wanted to point out.

This document has been developed to answer any questions that Disability Support Pension and Carer Payment recipients may have around the COVID-19 pandemic.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my Disability Support Pension (DSP) be impacted if I receive the JobKeeper payment?

Yes. The amount of DSP you are paid depends on how much income you earn. If you are receiving more money through the fortnightly $1,500 JobKeeper payment, than you were before, you may get less money through your DSP. However, it is likely that you will be receiving more money overall.

Most single people on the youth rate of DSP will have their DSP payment suspended for the period that they are receiving the JobKeeper Payment.

When the JobKeeper payment stops on 27 September 2020 and if your income goes back to what it was before receiving the payment, then the amount you receive on DSP will also go back to what it was before.

Any DSP recipient that loses their DSP as a result of the JobKeeper payment will have their DSP suspended for the period they receive the JobKeeper payment, however will retain their Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) and associated benefits for the entire period. Any concessions they currently receive through their PCC should be retained (however many of these are provided by States and Territories and eligibility for those is a matter for the States and Territories).

DSP recipients whose DSP payment is reduced to nil due to increased employment income will continue to have access to Commonwealth concessions on medical benefits and pharmaceutical concessions provided by the PCC for 52 weeks.

Recipients of DSP whose partner’s income brings them over the income limit for the payment are entitled to keep their PCC for a period of 12 weeks after their DSP payment ceases to be payable.

When the JobKeeper Payments cease, the recipient will need to advise Services Australia of the change in their circumstances, and assuming no other changes to circumstances have occurred, their DSP will re-commence. A DSP recipient that is working can suspend their entitlement for up to two years without needing to re-apply for DSP.

If you have questions about your DSP, please contact Services Australia on 132 717. More information about the JobKeeper scheme, including information on eligible employers and employees can be found at

Will my Carer Payment (CP) be impacted if I receive the JobKeeper payment?

Yes. The amount of CP you are paid depends on how much income you earn. If you are receiving more money through the fortnightly $1,500 JobKeeper payment, than you were before, you may get less money through your CP. However, it is likely that you will be receiving more money overall.

When the JobKeeper payment stops in six months’ time and your income goes back to what it was before receiving the payment, and assuming there are no other changes in circumstances, then the amount you receive on CP will also go back to what it was before.

Any carers that lose their CP will receive no CP for 12 weeks while receiving the JobKeeper Payment. They will retain the Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) for those 12 weeks. However, after 12 weeks, CP will be cancelled and the PCC will no longer be able to be used. When the JobKeeper Payment ceases, the recipient will need to re-apply for CP from the beginning of the process. A previous medical report may be able to be re-used, depending on how old the report is.

If you have questions about your CP, please contact Services Australia on 132 717. More information about the JobKeeper scheme, including information on eligible employers and employees can be found at

Will the Commonwealth Rental Assistance (CRA) be impacted if a DSP recipient has their DSP suspended?

Generally, when your Disability Support Payment (DSP) is reduced to nil due to employment income, this means your CRA has also been reduced to nil.

Where your DSP payment is suspended for up to 2 years, your CRA will also not be payable.

Once your DSP payment resumes, your CRA payments may also resume, provided you continue to meet the CRA requirements.

Special rules apply in some circumstances. Please contact Services Australia on 136 240 for detailed information about CRA eligibility and rates.

Am I eligible for the additional $750 Economic Support Payment?

If you are currently receiving the Disability Support Pension (DSP), Age Pension or Carer Payment, you are eligible for the Economic Support Payment of $750, which was paid to you between 31 March 2020 and 17 April 2020. You will receive a second payment of $750 from 13 July 2020 if you continue to meet the eligibility requirements.

You do not need to apply for this payment, it will be automatically paid to you.

People receiving other government benefits may also be eligible for the $750 Economic Support Payment, however, you will only get one payment, even if you get more than one qualifying payment or card.

More information about the Economic Support Payment, including a full list of eligible payments can be found at

Will I get the extra $550 Coronavirus supplement?

If you are currently receiving one of the following Governments payments, you will receive the temporary Coronavirus Supplement of $550 per fortnight on top of your current payments:

• JobSeeker Payment, Partner Allowance, Widow Allowance, Sickness Allowance and Wife Pension
• Youth Allowance for job seekers
• Youth Allowance for students and apprentices
• Austudy for students and apprentices
• ABSTUDY for students getting Living Allowance
• Parenting Payment partnered and single
• Farm Household Allowance
• Special Benefit If you receive the Disability Support Pension, Age Pension or Carer Payment and not one of the above payments, you are not eligible for the Coronavirus supplement.

Will I have to pay tax if I get the JobKeeper Payment?

The JobKeeper payment is considered taxable income. More information on tax thresholds and income tax can be found at

If a supported employee would like to know more about taxable income, they should speak to their employer, family or carer or an Advocacy organisation for assistance.

Dec 27

Emergency and crisis phone numbers and helplines

Please download and print a pdf of this list to keep somewhere prominent in your home and workplace. You just never know when you need to call, for yourself, someone you love, someone you work with, or a stranger on the street.

Click Here: Emergency List to download and print here

The downloadable document linked above includes clickable links to phone numbers and websites for more than 40 Australian helplines under the following topics.

Emergency services

Alcohol and drugs

Crisis counselling

The National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline

Domestic violence

Eating Disorders






Mental Health

Police assistance


Sexual assault

Suicide prevention


Victim/Survivor support


Young people