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A free account will give you access to about 30 sample resources.
Your membership fee can be claimed from Self and Plan Managed NDIS plans as "Assistance to Self Manage".
Click on "Read more" in the right hand column to see our (long) resource list for each topic and to join.
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NDIS Pre-Planning

FREE: Learn all about how to get ready for the NDIS, handy tips and tricks, checklists and more. (all content in this section is free to read when you register)

NDIS Basics

Start here if you've just got your plan and you want help to understand it all and make the most of it. 

NDIS Money Management

Agency, Self or Plan Management? It's an important decision for your NDIS plan - find out the pros and cons and which one is right for you, along with tips and tricks. 

NDIS Admin Tips

How do you get hold of someone, how do you get things fixed, and what does all the jargon mean? 

NDIS Self Management

Self Management offers all kinds of awesomeness, but only if you know how - find out all the tips and tricks of self management, self employment, and more. 

Spending NDIS Funding

So... how can you actually spend that money to reach goals for you or the person you care for? We have the skinny! 

NDIS Reassessments, Reviews and Changes

Reassessment, S100 (RORD) Review of Reviewable Decision, Change of Circumstances Review - AAARRRGGHH! Check out our info on how to make sense (and the best) of it all. 

Finding and Choosing Supports

It's hard to find the right providers and people to support you or the person you love. Let us help you get the info you need to be innovative, creative and get what you need. 

Finding, Hiring and Briefing Support Workers

Finding a great support worker is no mean feat - let us help you with ideas on how to find good people, and how to hire or contract, and even how to make sure they do a good job for you. 

AAT (Administrative Appeals Tribunal) 

If you *really* want to get deep into the guts of the NDIS, this is the place for you - for NDIS Nerds only!


This is where we're parked all sorts of random tips and interesting stuff - dip your toes in to find out something new! 

Centrelink and Other Services

What's EMEP, CAPS, SATSS and all that, and how can we get a discount on Qantas and Virgin flights, and can a 16yo get DSP? - the answers are all here! 

Advocacy and Human Rights

How do you find and advocate, and how can I advocate better for myself or the person I love? Go on and click, we dare you! 

Education and Schooling

Do you know your child's education rights? Or are you looking a checklist to help you find a good school, or a  template for a letter to send to the teacher? 

Health and Behaviour

Positive Behaviour Supports, Improved relationships, restrictive practises and awesome dentists and reflux... intrigued? Check out how important they all are!