While we have no official word in public from the NDIS, we know that the NDIS have told the peak professional bodies for Art and Music Therapy that from Monday Dec 2nd, 1:1 art and music therapy will no longer be allowed to be claimed by any NDIS participant.
I have been told this is an “evidence based decision”.
I call on the NDIS to share both
a) the evidence considered, as well as
b) the process used to make this determination,
It is my understanding that the NDIS Evidence Advisory Committee (which was recommended by the NDIS Review) DOES NOT YET EXIST and will not be in operation until July 2025.…/ndis-evidence-advisory-committee
Both professional bodies have made public statements regarding their shock and dismay at both the decision, and the timeframe, with less than a week for thousands of NDIS participants to be without the service of their members’, many of whose businesses and livelihoods will effectively cease to exist after Friday.
A EasySnap read of this post, as well as Communications from the peak bodies are below our image underneath.
Please take action and contact your local MP, Minister Bill Shorten’s office and feedback at NDIA.
pic desc: a sad looking person in a wheelchair looking at a drumkit, and his drumsticks out of reach on the ground.
Art and
Music Therapy changes
The NDIS may stop payments for art and music therapy soon.
This will start on Monday 2 December.
Participants cannot claim 1:1 art or music therapy after this.
The NDIS says this change is based on evidence.
Questions for the NDIS
People want the NDIS and DSS to explain:
The evidence used for this decision
The process to make this decision
Evidence advisory group
DSS does not have an evidence advisory group yet.
This group will not start until July 2025.
Response from professional groups
Art and music therapy groups are upset about this decision.
They say the change was sudden and unfair.
Therapists may lose their jobs because of this change.
Thousands of participants may lose therapy support next week.
Hard words glossary
Art therapy: A way to improve wellbeing by making art.
Music therapy: A way to improve wellbeing by making or listening to music.
Evidence: Proof or information used to make decisions.
Process: The steps taken to do something.
Communications from the peak bodies:
Dear ANZACATA Member,
ANZACATA has been hearing rumours about the future of Art Therapy on the NDIS. We have tried to get confirmation in writing from the NDIA. But at this stage we have only verbal advice that new operational guidelines for therapy supports will be in place by Monday December 2nd 2024.
Art Therapy will NOT be continued as a Therapy Support in future.
We feel it is vital that members who work with NDIS participants know about the upcoming changes now as this seriously affects your professional work. This is what the NDIA has told us:
1. If Art Therapy is a stated support in a current plan, it will remain funded until the plan is reviewed. Art Therapy will NOT be funded after the plan ends.
2. If you provide Art Therapy to participants but not as a stated support, funding for this will cease effective in one week’s time.
3. Invoices for work carried out to Dec 2nd will be honoured, but no invoices processed after that date will be honoured.
4. Members must invoice immediately for any therapy supports completed by this week in order to be paid.
5. This will be true for Art Therapy (0128) and also for those who invoice under Other Therapy.
“Stated support” means funding has been allocated for a specific support or service, and you can’t use this funding for something else. You cannot swap ‘stated supports’ for any other supports.
ANZACATA is shocked and dismayed at the lack of transparency, poor process and lack of fairness in this change and the lack of communication in a timely manner. We were not consulted; we do not know the reasons for the decision; we found out by requesting (again and again) clarification about what we have been hearing; we have nothing in writing to explain why after more than a decade, Art Therapy is to be excluded from the NDIS.
We plan to put into effect a campaign regarding this decision of the NDIA.
But for now the advice is that in one week’s time, Art Therapy will not be funded (unless it is a stated support in a current plan). We have been told that we may be able to offer support under “social and community participation” in future where hourly rates are lower and providers do not have your skills and qualifications.
We know this will be devastating news for affected members and we urge you to reach out for support as you absorb the enormity of the decision taken by the NDIA. You can find support at
We will contact all members working with NDIS participants in the next few days to seek examples of participants and families who will suffer as a result of this appalling decision and who are prepared to speak to the media.
You may want to express your deep concern for the impact on your clients to your local member of Parliament, the CEO of the NDIS or the Chair of the Board of the NDIA.
Kind regards,
Helen Killmier
ANZACATA Board Chairperson
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