NDIS Support Co-ordination and NDIS Specialist Support Co-ordination
- The Growing Space are Registered NDIS Providers, and we provide Support Co-ordination and Specialist Support Co-ordination services for participants with a funded Support Co-ordination line, or for anyone who is Self Managed through their Core Supports if they have exhausted their current co-ordination budget. We have coordinators working on the ground in South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland, and across the rest of the country remotely.
- We feel the way to know if we’ve succeeded, is when we’ve done ourselves out of a job and you don’t need us much anymore.
- We can help you understand your plan, your plan management style, prepare for your reassessment, understand what you can or can't purchase with your funds, and suggest supports and services – disability specific and mainstream supports.
We can help you negotiate prices and service agreements, as well as help out if you have a complaint or an issue to resolve. - We love helping people with disability and those who love them see go beyond Day Options, ADE's (sheltered employment) and Group Homes, and to look at regular jobs, creating businesses, and living the way you really want to live.
- If you are in an especially tricky or complex situation, and are funded for help from a Specialist Support Co-ordinator, we are also able to help participants for this more intensive work with one of our highly skilled and experienced specialists..
- If you would like to make an appointment. please send us an email with information about your situation and what support you are seeking to info@TheGrowingSpace.com.au or fill in our form here!
Workshops and e-learning
- Our NDIS workshops are a way to learn how to make the most of your NDIS plan, how to use your NDIS plan, and how to make the most of self management, as well as a chance connect with other people with NDIS Self or Plan managed plans. We often find that the best way to get great information and ideas is by speaking with others in the same boat.
- We also post regular updates on “What’s New” with the NDIS (it seems to change every few minutes!).
- To book an upcoming workshop (claimable for most Self Managers and participants whose plan is Plan Managed only) click here.
- Our self-paced e-learning offers a wide range of video based learning on everything from finding support workers, to disability and intimacy, to being confident in the community click here to have a look!
Advocacy for Education
- Sometimes, school just doesn’t go as well as you’d like. Multiple take-homes, suspensions, school staff have trouble following your behaviour support plan, or schools don’t communicate the way you’d like.
- Or, maybe you’d just like some help finding a good school for your child with disability? We can help.
- The Growing Space have extensive experience helping families find, manage and communicate with schools. We love being part of a team that gets a student enjoying school, especially in an inclusive environment.
- Often our assistance can be paid for with NDIS fund, but sometimes it is not an appropriate use of NDIS funds – every situation is unique, so let us know if you would like some help.
- We also recommend you contact the Free federally funded Advocacy agencies for their support, as we are not government funded and if your NDIS funds can’t be used, our fees will need to be paid out of pocket. You can find the free advocacy agencies at : https://disabilityadvocacyfinder.dss.gov.au/disability/ndap/
- If you would like to make an appointment. please send us an email with information about your situation and what support you are seeking to info@TheGrowingSpace.com.au