To our Growing Space Clients,
You have no doubt heard the news yesterday, that here in South Australia we are now in a six day “hard” lockdown.
What South Australians can’t do
You will not be allowed outside of your home, except for essential trips – the supermarket or immediate medical appointments and supplies for example. You are not allowed to go for a walk or do exercise outside of your home and yard.
Shopping centres will be shut except for supermarkets/pharmacies, and take-away food places will also be closed.
What South Australians with Disability can do
Children of essential workers and vulnerable children (which includes disabled children unable to be cared for at home) are the only children allowed at school over the next week.
Disabled people with significant behavioural support needs which cannot be met within their home/yard and need to be able to go out to walk for example, can apply for a health exemption at – your Support Coordinator can help you make this application.
Support workers that are needed for essential services for you are still allowed at your home and they are allowed to travel to you. This includes where someone needs to go out to regulate severe behavioural support needs.
How The Growing Space can help
If you are reliant on take-away food, or do not have enough essential food or medical/consumable supplies or any other urgent need please contact your Support Coordinator as soon as you can and we will work to arrange the supports you need.
Please contact your Support Coordinator for any support you need and we will do what we can to help.
We can also help with explaining special NDIS changes due to lockdown. You can find more information at
An Easy English explanation
I have attached an Easy English document at which explains the changes and how we can help. This might be useful for you, or someone you love.
Free video e-Learning
The Growing Space Learning team have TODAY released our Thriving Through COVID-19 online learning course – given the new lockdown in SA, we have decided to offer this course for FREE, so do please sign yourself up and watch whenever it suits you!
We’ve got your back
Myself and our Growing Space Team wish you all the best for the next week, and please know that we are here, we’ve got your back.
We’re all still working and available and can help answer your questions and get you the supports you need – if we don’t know the answer to a question, we will find out and get back to you, as quickly as we can.
Take care,
The Growing Space
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