Happy New Year (!) The shit has really hit the fan across the country. This is obviously quite terrifying for many, and especially the more medically vulnerable in our community.
What can you do to get ready for what is starting to feel like the inevitable?
The first, and most obvious, is to get vaccinated AND boosted, if you can. The stats are showing on the whole pretty clearly that the sickest folks are those who are not vaccinated AND boosted.
Get yourself TWO kits together to prepare, and consider including these things.
FIRST: “At home with covid kit” –
SECOND: “Gotta go to hospital kit”
The Queensland government have put together a useful COVID Care plan for carers of disabled people and/or children at https://www.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0015/230604/A4_COVID-Care-Plan-for-Parents-Carers-and-Children_23-12-21-INTERACTIVE.pdf
There are also a bunch of FREE disability and Covid19 related useful resources at https://www.thegrowingspace.com.au/covid19/
How a Level 3 Support Coordinator Can Help Parents of Young Kids
Questions to Ask When Choosing a Provider
20 Tips for Service Agreements and briefs for Support Workers!
Can you help make the NDIS better?
Conflicted NDIS Providers….
FREE personal health folder
Sending stuff to the NDIS?
Have you ever heard of: Body Doubling?